Monday, December 08, 2008


Young lady in the Pharmacy on Friday nite... sobbing into her cellphone to an obviously unresponsive boyfriend "All I wanted was a hug..." Didn't have the guts to tell her that most men are scum and she'd be better off losing his ass on the side of a freeway than trying to get him to "care". Those kind of guys DON"T care - ever - except about getting their hoses polished.

More Sn*w over the weekend - my little walkway lights have nature-made snowmen on top of them. All I'd need to do is put out some mini carrots and tiny hats. *giggle*

I have discovered holes in the Veggie quilt. This distresses me. I like it the best. I hope I have some of the same fabric left so I can patch it.

Earworm of the day: Jimmy Buffet singing about a pencil-thin mustache. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
George, george, george of the jungle..... IT"S NOT WORKING!!!!

Bathrooms went out again on Friday afternoon. The water situation at work is depressing.

Finished my xmas shopping. Except for Susan. She's usually first, but this year I've not found anything that screams her name at any of the stores. Bleh. I DID, however, find my Dad's present. FINALLY

In the "funny things" category - I discovered someone from the FAA has checked out my blog. *chuckle* Yes, Houston, we DO blog.... WTF would the government be interested in ME for - especially seeking out SPTLM's shenanigans from childhood? *shrug*

42 days

1 comment:

enigma4ever said...

FAA checked out your Blog ??? oh my...yup..snowy and cold here too....and yes, already tired of it....

Hope all is well..take care over there...and well, maybe keep your snow over there ? ( yeah...right ;-)