Wednesday, August 23, 2006


So... The cheesecake is gone (Capt. Jack Sparrow: "But...Why is the Cheesecake gone?!!") and this morning after having a salad thing for lunch and a salami sandwich for dinner - 128.

That's 20 numbers lower than the first time I took it on Sunday. So I guess that is improvement. I don't want to eat Salad all the time however. It's ok once in a while, but Wabbit food is for Wabbits, Doc.

So I'm only 18 to 28 numbers from "normal".

The salami sandwich on oat-bran bread was tasty. I can do that. Will probably be ALL wrong for the cardio issues, but.. *shrug* I can only do so much at one time.

Tonite I shall have Tilapia fish. Dad showed me how to cook it. I hope it turns out even 1/2 as good as his was. Perhaps with cauliflower. (And white wine to keep with the "all white food" theme? Probably water, tho.)

I think I have some sugar-free Jello mix. Maybe that would be a tasty treat...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tilapia is great! Cheap, and long shelf life. We eat it all the time, just cuz it tastes good. I make it as "micro-fish". In a glass pan, a pat or schpritz of butter, and a little seasoning. Cover with plastic wrap, cook in microwave for 7-10 min until it loses that translucent icky sushi look, and then ring the dinner bell. I usually make rice to go with it. The tilapia never tastes fishy, that's why I like it. And no bones. I have a terrible fear of fish bones. Hope it turns out good for you!